Training Plan
The DIS-CODE project aims to train students at drop out risk on improving digital skills and learning maths by studying coding, the 21st century language developing transversal skills such as abstract and analytical thinking, logic and problem solving and by practicing digital literacy activities such as digital storytelling, audio editing and use of the cloud as shared cognitive workspace.
The present document is the Training Plan: it is the Activity 2 of Intellectual Output 1, the Training course development.
The aim of this document is to explain the training plan which should be the guide for teachers to teach their students about Improving Digital Skills and Numerical skills using code.
The training plan includes first the training structure, where teachers can find the description and the main aim of the training, the learning objectives of the course, the methodology we recommend them to adopt, the way we have planned to organize the training modules, the target group and pre-requirements for trainees, the scientific area of the course and its duration.
After the structure, we go further each module, with a syllabus, learning objectives, methods to be used, activities and bibliography, explaining more what each module will talk about. For each module we detail some lesson plans suggesting tools, activities, methods, games, work plan and assessment which can be used by teachers with their students inside their classrooms.
Este é o ficheiro que contempla o Plano de Formação traduzido para português.
Available courses

Improving Digital Skills
Learning basic digital skills related to media
literacy plus correlated elements of ICT-literacy. The proposed activities
encourage collaboration as well as surfacing of talents normally neglected at
school, thus re-vamping motivation.

Numerical Skills
Learning Maths with code by the methodology of Flipped Classrom, so they can feel a better accomplishment and personal satisfaction into their lives leading to a more active participation at school and better results at their curricula. Through flipped classroom model, students can focus on learning by doing, with the teacher guiding the way, being the lecture no longer the driver of concept mastery.
coding will empower participants to better understand maths and to do many
things they would not otherwise be able to do, including hand-crafting their
own websites, or shaping their educational path aiming at a career coder or
even at starting a technology business. This will indirectly favour creativity
and most importantly, it will improve their ability to understand the
technology shaping our world.

Introduction to Scratch
This course is an introductory chapter of Scratch programming

Teachers Lesson Plans
This is the place where teachers from all countries could upload and share with all comunity their own lesson plans.